İzole kosta tutulumu, Langerhans hücreli histiyositozisin (LCH) en nadir tutulum bölgelerinden biridir. Biz burada, tek yakınması sol 7. kostanın posterolateral bölgesinde soliter osteolitik lezyona bağlı ağrı olan, 29 yaşında bir kadın olguyu sunuyoruz. Hastada 7. kosta, tanı ve tedavi amaçlı rezeke edildi. Histopatolojik bulgular LCH ile uyumlu bulundu.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Langerhans hücreli histiositozis, kosta, cerrahiIsolated rib involvement is one of the rarest sites for the clinical presentation of Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH). We report here on the case of 29-year-old female whose only symptom was pain, radiating to the solitary osteolytic lesion at the posterolateral aspect of her seventh rib. The 7th rib was resected for diagnostic confirmation and treatment, and histopathological findings were found to be compatible with the LCH.
Keywords: Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis, rib, surgery,